Running Wild with Christine

In December, 2018, I spoke with Christine Wild, the author of “Just Bad Timing” and host of “Running Wild with Christine: Sex, Success and Other Slippery Rabbit Holes. A sex-positive, intersectional & inclusive podcast about life.”

Throughout our podcast episode, we covered a myriad of topics including: storytelling, reproductive health, and grief. We certainly had a great time running amok in the subject matter! We hope you’ll join us.

To give us a listen, follow the link here.

Therapists Without Boundaries

Therapists Without Boundaries is a new podcast hosted by Sarah and Aditi, two Counselors who bring people into their audio space to talk about a breadth of topics that impact our lives. "No topics are off limits!"

I am honoured to have been their third guest and hold the space to talk about: pregnancy, mental health, and abortion. 

Have a listen to us having a chat and giggle about "people choosing to have babies and people choosing to not have babies" SoundCloud here

"Julia stops by the podcast this week, and we have a refreshing conversation about stigmas in society. Julia shares her experience of having an abortion, and going through the process with the help of Sarah. She tells us about her online platform for women to narrate their experiences, in order to promote destigmatization, healing, and self acceptance."

She Said Podcast

"She Said" is "not your average feminist podcast" hosted by Isabel, a wise, humble, and curious interviewer who invites female-identified individuals to speak on their area of interest, spanning from "healing crystals to period trackers to reproductive justice". The podcast aims to "give a voice to individuals and topics not often discussed in mainstream society." 

Unsurprisingly, I was honoured that "She Said" would reach out to speak about SIHaA, its inception, and its mission. 

To listen to the episode, you can visit itunes, soundcloud, or find "She Said" in your podcast app (I found it on PocketCast), and look for episode 25.